As the title says, this blog is being used as a journal of the projects I'm working on. However, the projects you'll find may not be "projects" in the traditional sense of the word. A project may be installing a new gadget in my car, setting up a piece of software, or learning a new skill.
Most of these projects will not bear any interest to anyone other than my family or close friends. But that's primarily who it's for anyway. So, don't expect a lot from them. I'm not trying to win a Pulitzer or anything. If I think someone may be interested in doing a certain project themselves I'll try to make my entries as detailed as possible. But remember that the steps involved apply to my specific circumstances, scenario, software configuration, etc. and you may need to adjust them slightly for your own use.
Projects will generally have multiple blog entries which may be intermingled with other project entries if I'm working on two or more projects simultaneously. So, to keep things straight I'll use labels to associate each entry with the project it relates to. To see all the entries for a project just click on the project topic to the right and it will display all the entries for that project in chronological order.
As a matter of fact you could say this blog itself is a project. Every project has a goal in mind and this project has two goals. The first goal is obvious. To give myself a place to write journal entries regarding the status of the projects I'm working on. The second goal is to see how Google's AdSense works.
I'm sure everyone has received at least one spam email, facebook message or wall post that involved someone trying to trick them into going to a page that used AdSense to show advertisements. The idea is that the spammer earns revenue for every user that views and/or clicks on the ads. So, I thought there at least be SOME money to be made there. So, that's one of the goals of this blog.
In the end I'm pretty certain AdSense isn't going to make me a single penny because I don't have enough compelling content on my blog to make people read it. Much less the ads on the side. So, I doubt I'll leave the AdSense on the blog forver, but for the time being please excuse the ads. :)